Wednesday, May 11, 2011

43) Illusion of Motion

One way to achieve the illusion of motion is through a repeated figure, which is very common and shows the same character multiple times to show movement of the character.
Comic strips are a great way of showing motion through repeated figure because comic strips usually consist of only a few characters and they are usually in every frame and they move.

Another way to show motion would be to have a blurred outline which is based on photography which when a photo of an object in motion was taken by a camera with a slow shutter speed the photograph turned out blurry.
Below is a drawing that shows motion through blurred lines giving the impression that the figure is walking.

The final way to show motion in drawing is to have multiple images of the same character or form in an overlapping sequence.
A perfect example of this would be the picture below that shows a snow boarder multiple times doing a flip.

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